Tips and Tricks

Laundry Pickup & Delivery v. Shared Laundry Rooms

September 01, 2023

Apartment Laundry

Living in an apartment can be both relaxing and challenging. In some places, apartment complexes offer luxury amenities like heated pools, gyms, onsite pet grooming services, and even day care. Some may even offer onsite laundry services like dry cleaning and laundry pickup and delivery. Others may just offer a pool at best and maybe an extra parking spot. Apartment complexes vary in what they offer but one thing many have in common are shared laundry rooms. And these often come with challenges.

For some apartment dwellers, there may be a shared laundry room on site, however, more often than not there simply aren’t enough machines, which increases competition for washers and dryers. This can be a frustrating experience for residents because they must constantly check and wait before a machine is available. In many apartments, there is no way for residents to remotely check availability from the comfort of their home; anyone interested in doing laundry has to physically walk or send someone to check if a washer is free. Even if one were to find a free machine, any available machine might be taken while the interested party walks back to get their laundry. A possible solution to this situation would be to carry ones’ laundry with them just in case a washer might be available. Right?

Some residents in apartments will carry all of their laundry with them to check and see if a washer is free. This way if it is, one can immediately start using it before anyone else swoops in and takes it. However, if there are no free machines, and leaving items alone puts them at risk of theft or damage, then the laundry has to be lugged back to wait inside the unit. Repeating this can be quite exhausting, especially if there are stairs. Imagine trying to do laundry on the first floor when living on the top floor without an elevator. A solution to this could be to just wait in the laundry room with one’s haul, but how long will that take?

Even if one were to successfully secure a machine, they may only be able to secure only one washer and maybe one dryer yet have multiple loads to do. This means more walking back and forth from living room to laundry room until other machines become available. One could just go to a large laundromat, but the experience may not be any better, especially during the day on the weekends when most people do their laundry. Moving to a unit somewhere with a private washer and dryer would be amazing, but for many it is not an option—but there is one more option.

This is where a laundry pickup and delivery service would be quite handy. Utilizing this service on a regular basis eliminates competing for washers and dryers in a shared laundry room or having to resort to a laundromat. Instead of spending a whole day walking back and forth carrying laundry that may or may not get started until much later in the day, an apartment resident could just leave it by the door in their own living room until the driver picks it up. Instead of waiting for availability in a shared laundry room, which requires staying home, one could wait more freely where they can leave, run errands, see friends, or something more engaging because they opted for laundry pickup and delivery. This time-saving service can help any apartment resident overcome challenges in using a shared laundry room.

If you live in an apartment and often run into issues with your laundry room, try Mango Fresh Laundry. We pick up dirty laundry and return clean, ready-to-wear or use laundry. We offer this service to residential customers. Best of all, we’ll do all the lifting so sign up and schedule today.

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